This week’s musing asks…
Do you read the ending before you start a book? Do you ever skip ahead to read the ending?
I do, actually. Well, sometimes. Sometimes I read the last line in a book and then I'm anxious the entire book. Or sometimes I will open to a random page and read a line from there. I don't know.. I don't think it ruins the book for me.
There is one reason why I go to the ending, once in awhile. However, I always check to see how many pages are in the book, but I never read the ending in doing so.
Definitely not my preference...peeking ahead.
excellent! another Peeker!!
I always check the last page number also Gigi Ann. I have no idea why I do this or when I started doing it. I never read the ending in advance tho.
I'm the same! Sometimes. I have a nasty habit of reading ahead to the last line of a chapter or the first line of the next one. Then I also read ahead to the last page. I can be so bad...
I always check how many pages are in the book and in a the chapter I'm on. Yet, whilst doing so, I end up sneaking a peek at the lines on that page. *sigh* gets rid of some of the anxiety though, in a way.
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