Monday, April 2, 2012

Review: Forgotten Souls by Tiffany King

Any chance Krista Miller had at a normal teenage life is now gone. Less than a year ago she lived under the radar, avoiding any relationships that would send her emotional sensitivities out of control. Little did she know that her life was destined for something more. Something that will test her very soul.

After facing certain death at the hands of the man responsible for their mysterious past, Krista and her friends learn the truth behind their origins and the purpose for their newly discovered abilities. Now, they must band together to fulfill their inherited, sacred duty. As Guides and Protectors, they must save Mankind's Forgotten Souls before they are lost forever.

I really liked this addition to the Saving Angels series by Tiffany King. I kind of wish I’d re-read Meant to Be before starting this one because I didn’t remember much. All in all, I still enjoyed it. Tiffany sure knows how to describe things! I could picture everything perfectly!

The story definitely grew on me as it progressed. Mostly during the second half was when I did not want to put it down. It’s a short read, very easy to get through. I mean, it’s only 250 pages. I easily got through that in two days. And I’m a slow reader, so those of you who read really fast like ninjas could probably even get through this whole series in a day.

And that ending!!! Ohmygoodness. Did y’all see that one coming? I know I didn’t!

Now I really want to read the third book ;)

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